GPHS services are designed to meet international public health requirements for cruise lines specifically the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Vessel Sanitation Program; the Public Health Agency of Canada; and EU’s Ship Sanitation and always promote “Best Practices”.
Our consultants are selected public health and industry professionals with excellent regulatory knowledge and shipboard platform skills, who use the most current regulations to ensure both motivation and retention. We integrate public health principles, regulatory requirements and industry standards for all levels of shipboard work performances.
We will turn the corner on this Coronavirus pandemic, together.
We care deeply about how it has impacted your life and the lives of others.
We are committed to realizing a break-through in the public health responses to COVID-19 events onboard ships, including at port health authorities.
Physical distancing measures save lives. Let’s save lives, together, at a distance.
ContinueShipboard public health is an everyday responsibility that starts with personal hygiene, is executed by shipboard job performances, and is managed daily with best practices.
GPHS provides public health services necessary to prevent, control and manage risks and reduce the negative repercussions of shipboard outbreak events.
Global Public Health Services
PO Box 1257
Windermere, FL 34786
United States of America
P.O. Box 1257
Windermere, FL 34786-1257
United States of America
Website Design by Parasol Designs
Animation Design by Gregory Greenidge
Podcast Interviews by Maria Florio
Website Design & Development by Parasol Designs
Animation Design by Gregory Greenidge